A White Room

A white room,
or is it a space?
Where people can live
in their own element
at their own pace.

A world whose beautiful core is
diverse people
telling their diverse stories

So they can be:

a distinctive drawer
pretend player
wheel spinner
teacher teacher
paint spatterer
photo snapper
world mapper

ribbon twirler
table stander
sheet hider
balloon floater
detail noter
carpet anarchist
rhythm analyst

hairdryer blower
alternative-way knower
eye talker
pitch picker
sensory seeker
memory foam tweaker
play repeater
tuba foot-spa taker
dragon puppeteer
swan flapper
music jammer
skill sharer
groove collapser

relationship mender
status quo and sound subverter
purpose converter
flow collaborator
indirect communicator
microphone experimenter
world painter

duet partner
leader follower
follower leader
bird feeder
mischievous deleter
costume wearer
reference sharer
moon picnic-er
plot rejector
film director
self advocator
image curator
sense maker
desire line tracer
fascinator, co-creator
information processor
present tenser
laughter bubbler
meaning troubler
humpty dumpty dancer
costume chancer
colour user
outcome chooser
book learner
world turner

A white room,
or is it a space?
Where people can live
in their own element
at their own pace.

A world whose beautiful core is
diverse people
telling their diverse stories

Poetic response/summary of presentations at
“All Young Stories” symposium,
26th June, 2019

Kate Fox



A White Room

A white room,
or is it a space?
Where people can live
in their own element
at their own pace.

A world whose beautiful core is
diverse people
telling their diverse stories

So they can be:

a distinctive drawer
pretend player
wheel spinner
teacher teacher
paint spatterer
photo snapper
world mapper

ribbon twirler
table stander
sheet hider
balloon floater
detail noter
carpet anarchist
rhythm analyst

hairdryer blower
alternative-way knower
eye talker
pitch picker
sensory seeker
memory foam tweaker
play repeater
tuba foot-spa taker
dragon puppeteer
swan flapper
music jammer
skill sharer
groove collapser

relationship mender
status quo and sound subverter
purpose converter
flow collaborator
indirect communicator
microphone experimenter
world painter

duet partner
leader follower
follower leader
bird feeder
mischievous deleter
costume wearer
reference sharer
moon picnic-er
plot rejector
film director
self advocator
image curator
sense maker
desire line tracer
fascinator, co-creator
information processor
present tenser
laughter bubbler
meaning troubler
humpty dumpty dancer
costume chancer
colour user
outcome chooser
book learner
world turner

A white room,
or is it a space?
Where people can live
in their own element
at their own pace.

A world whose beautiful core is
diverse people
telling their diverse stories


Poetic response/summary of presentations at
“All Young Stories” symposium,
26th June, 2019

Kate Fox